Contact us

If you have any questions about your benefits or options at retirement, please contact the administrator, Willis Towers Watson (WTW).

Call: 01707 607 608


If you would like to contact the Trustee, please contact Phil Farrell at Quantum Advisory ( The Trustee appointed Quantum Advisory to help them govern the Fund and make decisions for the benefit of the Fund’s members. Quantum provides specialist executive and governance support to many schemes like ours.


We want to run the Roche Pension Fund so that our members don’t have cause for complaint. However, sometimes problems do arise, so we have an official complaint procedure, known as the ‘internal dispute resolution procedure’ (IDRP).


We hope that you don’t ever have reason to use this procedure – and in fact we’d recommend that you try to resolve the issue informally first by contacting WTW (the administrator) or Quantum Advisory (the Fund Secretary). In our experience, problems are very often the result of simple misunderstandings which can be put right very easily and quickly.


If, however, you feel you need to escalate your complaint, please contact the Fund Secretary to request a copy of the IDRP.